In this exercise, you will be provided three basic words or phrases. For each combination of the three basic words or phrases, you are to change one, two, or all words or phrases in order to make it a unique and innovative approach to reinventing the urban community. Your task is to create as many unique combinations as you can from the three words or phrases that you are given at the top of each page. An example of how this works is below.
Method One Go back to original three words for each entry.
1-Starting words big city smorgasbord trees
Changed words city slick smorgasbord tree house
2-Starting words big city smorgasbord trees
Changed words the grey zone boring people lifeless
Method Two Continue to evolve from your ideas.
1-Starting words big city smorgasbord trees
Changed words big city smorgasbord greens
the blue pod restaurant taste testing green
global pod organics taste testing new “green card”
2-Starting words the blue pod restaurant taste testing green
Changed words the blue pod restaurant taste testing organic
blue district music tasting original