EdgeDweller Thinking Profile – Performance Assessment Result
Thank you for participating in the EdgeDweller Thinking Profile for Leadership and Innovation. The link below contains your results for the Performance Assessment and below is a quick overview of what is included in the report.
Jeff Kuper Performance Assessment Thinking Profile Report 4.30.19
The report is rather extensive but includes detailed information regarding what your critical or creative thinking expertise is and where that expertise is necessary within the innovation process. Below is an overview of major pieces of the report:
- The results of the Watson-Glaser critical thinking assessment are shown on pages 5 and 6.
- The results of the creative thinking assessment combined with the critical thinking results are shown on pages 7-9 with a definition of your dominant and, if applicable, subdominant EdgeDweller Thinking Profile(s).
- A breakdown of our innovation process is shown on page 10. Green boxes on the left represent the seven stages of the innovation process. The circles designate profiles primarily engaged in these stages. The way this portion of the report works is to first find your dominant and, if applicable, subdominant profiles using the orange boxes. Once you identify your profile(s), look directly down that column. Any green circles present identify steps that need your expertise. Any yellow circles present identify steps that could benefit from your expertise. Any circles under other profiles show people you need on your team as you progress through the innovation process.
- Your team’s dominate profiles are shown on page 11 with an overview of how your Thinking Profile is best utilized on that team at the bottom of page 11.
- A list of recommendations is shown on page 12.
Thank you again for your participation. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can explain any portion of the report.